Growing and Using Herbs in Your Own Home

I am not an expert gardener. In fact, I’m the exact opposite. I have not attempted to grow much at all, and the few plants I have attempted to nurture ended up dead pretty quickly. But, one of the easiest and most foolproof plants to grow are herbs. Homegrown herbs add the most delicious and special touch to any dish, and they are super impressive. Here is what I have learned about growing and using herbs in my own home.


The best time to plant herbs if you are planning to grow them inside is early spring. You can choose to plant seeds in different pots of soil, or buy herbs that have already started to grow and just repot them.

Keep your herbs near a window with lots of sunlight, and water them 2-3 times a week, or whenever the soil looks like it’s beginning to get dry.

Herbs are super easy to maintain, and it’s so easy to pick off a couple leaves or sprigs whenever you need them, rather than buying a pack of pre-cut herbs that will go bad and wilt within a couple of days.

As the herbs grow, you pay need to repot them in bigger pots. Just be gentle, add more soil, and keep them watered.

These herbs should last you a few months, and will always be fresh.

Homegrown, fresh herbs are a great addition to any food or drink. Here are some of my favorite ways to use various herbs.

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Pick off some cilantro leaves, chop them, and add them to salsa, guacamole, or on top of tacos. I also think cilantro adds great flavor to salads.



Basil is the perfect garnish for any pasta dish or caprese salad. I also love to pair basil with strawberry in cocktails and salads.


Parsley is the perfect garnish for many dishes, especially Italian-style. I also like to add parsley to any green juices or smoothies, as it contains vitamins and antioxidants.


Oregano can add lots of flavor to any tomato-based sauce or mediterranean-style dish. Oregano is rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber, and can help prevent sickness.



Rosemary is a great herb to use when cooking meat like chicken or pork. I also love adding it to cocktails with grapefruit or cranberry flavors.


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