Why Treating Yourself Starts From Within

Often when we think about “treating ourselves,” the first things that come to mind may be shopping sprees or decadent desserts; however, treating ourselves should go far beyond surface level. One of the greatest forms of self care involves taking care of your body from the inside out. I’ve spoken to Certified Yoga Instructor Lindsey Bischel to gather advice on the best way to do so. 

“Yoga is a full body workout incorporating strength, flexibility, and mobility training to target specific muscle groups. The emphasis on alignment aids in developing a strong foundation for other forms of exercise. Also, the restorative nature of yoga is extremely beneficial for muscle development and emotional growth.”

Photo: Katherine Cich

Photo: Katherine Cich

Incorporating yoga into your workout routine not only has a positive impact on your physical being, but it also holds immense potential to improve your mental health as well. “Self-acceptance is a huge impact yoga can have both physically and mentally. Often, we are so self-critical and consistently finding flaws within our being. Yoga encourages us to examine our physical bodies from a point of strength opposed to perfection,” Lindsey says.

In a world where social media is so prevalent, we too often find ourselves caught up in our appearances, the material things we possess and our physical presence. We try to shape ourselves in accordance with what we see on supermodels and Instagram’s best known influencers. Although we know that much of what is shown by these high-profile individuals has been gifted or purchased using the revenue that their millions of followers bring in for them, we still feel that replicating the looks they show validates us in some way, making us more attractive to others. 

Photo: Katherine Cich

Photo: Katherine Cich

We tend to forget that so much of what we really project onto others comes from the inside. In order to create a more positive environment for ourselves and the people around us, Lindsey suggests turning inward to shape the person you want to be, as we commonly “perceive our physical body to be our primary reality and most important; however, in reality, our emotional, intellectual, and spiritual bodies are just as important. By practicing compassionate self forgiveness, we are able to live a life in accordance with our values. This sense of internal awareness will help cultivate compassion for ourselves and others.” 

Next time you’re looking to go on a spending spree, consider what has the most value for your overall well-being. Investing in a yoga package, no matter what your skill level, will satisfy your craving to spend while providing you with something that will improve both your external appearance and internal state of mind. 

And with that we say, “Namaste.”

See a full transcript of the interview with Lindsey here!

Keep up with her on Instagram @FlowWithLinds

Photo: Katherine Cich

Photo: Katherine Cich


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