Staying Sane in a Time of Insanity: A Guide to Being Mentally Healthy During COVID-19
Your roots are growing out, you’re living off a diet of cereal and cookies, you’ve binge watched WAY too many Netflix series, and you have no idea what day of the week it is. Does this lifestyle sound a bit familiar?
In a time of complete economic, social and emotional chaos brought on by the nationwide pandemic of COVID-19, it is easy to fall into unhealthy habits of laziness, accompanied by negative and anxious thoughts. And while we are stuck in our homes with little to occupy our minds and a shortage of social interaction, falling into a state of depression can feel nearly inevitable. Here at Clothes & Water, we are here to tell you that you are not alone in these feelings, and that there are ways to cope with your mental health during this pandemic that will help you feel happier than you thought possible amid these unprecedented times.
The first and most essential step to staying mentally healthy is to combat your negative thoughts with more positive ones. It can be so easy to think of all the sad impacts that the Corona Virus has brought upon our nation; however, it has also brought about positive impacts that may never have been possible without it. COVID-19 has given us an opportunity for change; a chance to rethink the meaning of life as we know it.
In the midst of all the chaos of what society molds us to believe everyday life should look like—amidst jobs, school, and the stress of money—we’ve begun to forget what it’s like to truly live. To take a walk in a cool spring breeze; to build a fort with your younger siblings; to paint a picture; to throw a ball; to bake a cake. We forget all the little things that initially made us happy before society told us what we had to do and be. The world is giving us a chance to take a deep breath and find joy in those things once again...don’t spend this time worrying about all the things you would be doing— the things this world has pushed you to do. But rather take a step back and use this time to simply be. To live. Think about all the times you were loaded with the stresses of everyday life—the ones that have now been temporarily lifted off your shoulders.
Beyond positive thinking, it is also important to stay busy. For the first time in a long have time. Time to think, time to nap, time to be creative. You have time to remodel that room you’ve been meaning to re-decorate since last Christmas. You have time to plant a garden, or read your favorite book. With all of this new free time, the world is truly your oyster. And it is up to you how you spend that time; don’t waste it on some crappy Netflix series. Do something meaningful; something that will bring you happiness. A great way to keep track of this time and ensure that you spend it wisely is to create a calendar, or make a list. If you hold yourself accountable for a list of tasks and activities, you are more likely to get out of bed and be productive.
Some positive activities that aid in bettering one’s mental health include reading a book. When you literally can’t leave your home due to statewide stay-at-home orders, escape the madness with a book that can transport you elsewhere for a little while. Perhaps a self help book like “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck” by Mark Manson. Another great buy to aid in one’s mental health is the book “52 Lists for Happiness,” which is a guided inspiration for positivity and happiness.
Photo courtesy of @Amberkayeh
Or maybe you’re a hopeless romantic who would enjoy a wistful romance about isolation of the coast. If this sounds like your type of story, check out Tracey Garvis Graves’ romance novel “On The Island.” In addition to reading, a little vitamin D couldn’t hurt...get outside! Beautiful weather is upon us, and just because we cannot spend it at our favorite outdoor bar does not mean we cannot enjoy it. Make your backyard a place you like spending time by hanging some twinkly lights and installing a hammock. Or better yet, look up scenic nature trails near you and take in the hidden gems of nature that were in your state all along!
The last and most important thing to remember during these trying times is that you are not alone, and that these times will not last forever. You will see people again, and you will embrace them, and you will be happy again. Do not let the negativity consume you, because like all things, this pandemic is temporary.
For more self-help tips and ideas to keep you mentally sane during these insane times, check out our lifestyle section here.
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