My Sunday Routine to Keep the Scaries at Bay

We’ve all experienced the Sunday scaries in one way or another.

Photo: Blogspot

Photo: Blogspot

Something about being on the brink of a new work week is enough to fill us with immense stress and anxiety. While there is certainly an urge to get ahead on the dreadful tasks Monday often brings, some of us may be still recovering from a late night before, and others would rather cling to whatever weekend relaxation they can squeeze in on their last free day. Either way, it can be tempting to reduce the Sunday experience down to brunch and a nap, but I find a balance of work and relaxation makes for the best week ahead. My perfect Sunday is equal parts rest and productivity. But, that balance is often a hard one to find. So, here I have laid out my ideal routine, and hopefully it will keep your Sunday scaries at bay.


The first, and most important, step is to sleep in. While living in a pandemic may have left our Saturday nights a bit more lackluster than usual, there is no reason why you have to make yourself get up super early. And because sleep is such a normal part of everyday life, we often forget the immense mental and health benefits it can provide. Think of how refreshed and clear-headed you feel after a good night's sleep. Making sure you are well rested is the key to starting your week on the right foot. So, even if you have a pile of work that is commanding a large portion of your Sunday, do yourself a favor and let yourself sleep in. It will benefit you not only throughout the day, but in the week to come.

Step two: treat yourself. For me that obviously means a drink at my favorite coffee shop. Ideally, this would include getting some fresh air by walking there, but I do live in the northeast, so this time of year it means blasting music in the car ride there. But, this is one that is unique for everyone. You may prefer to read a book, order in brunch, or even do a face mask. Whatever way you treat yourself, this is the time to reward yourself for the hard work you put in last week. Start your day off on the right foot, so you can fuel yourself to be productive later on in the day. 

Next up is step three: get ahead or catch up. This could be finishing up something you didn’t get to last week, or starting a project you know will stress you out on a busier weekday. Taking an hour or two to take care of what is weighing on you, without centering your whole day around work, allows you to feel both productive and refreshed. So, whether you feel the need to tackle all of your projects on Sunday or you find yourself completely unmotivated over the weekend, taking a small chunk out of your Sunday to get some work done is a good way to incorporate balance into your day—one that your future self will thank you for. 

Step four is to get organized. For me, this is usually folding laundry, doing dishes, running to the store, and cleaning up my space. I find that listening to music or a podcast while I do these more mundane tasks makes it more enjoyable. You could also take this time to organize your planner or calendar. Take the time to do anything that you wouldn’t normally have time for on a weekday, that isn’t too mentally draining. Having a clean space is the key to making sure you can stay focused throughout the week. So, while folding your laundry may not be the most fun task, it will ensure you have a productive week ahead of you.

And finally, my fifth step to keep the Sunday scaries at bay is to end your day with a cozy night in. Make a nice dinner or order it in. Invite your friends or significant other over, or just chill by yourself. Getting lost in a good Netflix show is the best way to end your weekend. It’s relaxing enough so you feel refreshed, but not too indulgent that you feel like you need another day to recover. This will leave you well-rested and ready to take on the week ahead.

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