How To Slow Down

Photo: @annaherrin (Instagram)

Photo: @annaherrin (Instagram)

There are so many ways you can slow down and enjoy your cozy fall nights in. I always find myself getting worked up from the stressors and rush of life, without having a moment to just breathe. While you may feel the social pressure to go out, it is definitely always nice to stay in and take the night to yourself. It’s also the safest option right now. Below are some ways that I can find solitude in myself and enjoy staying in. 

My favorite movie of all time would probably be Breakfast at Tiffany’s. In this movie, I let my brain fully fall into the character and find myself caught up in the movie. Changing into a soft loungewear set, laying in bed with a glass of wine (if you’re of age), and throwing on a classic movie is sure to be a night of relaxation. 

Another way to slow down and enjoy staying in is to make your dinner a comfort food. Being healthy and careful about what you eat is a personal choice. However, everyone has their one pick of soul food that you just can’t turn down sometimes. For me, my food of choice is pasta. There is never a night that I can turn away pasta, let alone when I make my own sauce and truly take the time to perfect it. 

Meditating is another way I can slow my mind down. Inhaling to the count of 6 and exhaling to the count of 8 helps me catch up on all of my thoughts. This is a way to connect with where you are and to push out any stressful or negative thoughts. Another form of meditation and relaxation is to start journaling. I have gotten into the habit of journaling every night for 3 months. A year ago, if you told me I would be doing this each night – I would have laughed. Since I started doing this, my focus has shifted to the positive, and I feel much more organized for the days to come. It is also soothing to have this to look forward to at the end of each day, since you can truly express your feelings to your journal. 

Lighting a candle is another small way that adds to the calming ambiance of a room. Doing anything in a room with candles lit automatically puts me into a more relaxed mindset. Plus, if it’s raining, this is the ultimate time to stay in, cozy up, and relax – it’s the perfect combo.

Tying your hair back and doing a face mask is a quick and easy way to slow down and practice self-care. I don’t have a preference for a specific face mask. However, I definitely love the ones that go on smoothly but harden to be peeled off. Easy and not so time consuming!

It’s essential to take care of your mind, body, and soul. Slowing down and treating yourself to a slow night is necessary in enjoying life's little things. Toss the phone to the side, focus on yourself, and completely tune out the rest of the world. 

Cozy up, comfort lovers. 


Jolie Zindman


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