Hangover Hack: Quick and Easy Morning-After Smoothie
We love a good night out with friends … until the morning after.
I’ll be honest, I don’t often get hangovers, but when I do, they are ROUGH. Luckily, I’ve mastered the ultimate smoothie to help cure these slow mornings, and you can make it in under 10 minutes. I’ve listed the recipe below along with the helpful benefits of each ingredient. Never fear the next morning again!
The Hangover Smoothie
Serving Size: 1
Prep Time: 5-6 min
Blend Time: 1 min
1 banana (fresh or frozen)
⅓ c frozen blueberries
¼ c frozen strawberries
1 handful fresh spinach
1 tbsp almond butter
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp chia seeds
1 tsp flax seeds
1 c almond milk (substitute coconut water for max hydration)
2 tbsp greek yogurt (optional)
Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. For a thinner consistency, add more almond milk or coconut water.
Bananas are a great source of potassium to soothe the stomach and are high in electrolytes. Bananas also replenish B vitamin levels that alcohol consumption depletes.
Berries (particularly blueberries and strawberries) provide antioxidants to the body, which revitalize cell health and neutralize free radicals that cause harm to your body and overall wellness.
Spinach contains many vitamins and minerals that you should be consuming for several reasons, but Vitamin C and carotenoids are of utmost importance after a night of drinking. Both support skin health and the overall immune system, as carotenoids are converted by the body to Vitamin A. If you’ve ever noticed your skin looking worse after consuming large amounts of alcohol, it’s likely because these vitamins have been depleted.
Almond Butter is a healthy fat that helps you feel full and curb those hangover cravings. A bacon, egg and cheese might sound amazing, but you probably won’t feel any better after it's gone, and it will likely lead to more poor dietary choices throughout the day.
Cinnamon provides more antioxidants and is also an anti-inflammatory (perfect for those mornings when you feel just a little bit too “puffy”).
Chia Seeds may be small, but they are an excellent source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3s have many benefits, including providing liver support, fighting inflammation and fighting depression and anxiety. Think back to high school health class - alcohol is a depressant.
Flax Seeds are also high in omega-3s. Additionally, they are rich in digestive fiber that can help to eliminate lingering toxins from the body.
Almond Milk contains antioxidants and is high in Vitamin E which promotes proper organ functioning and cell revitalization.
Coconut Water is filled with electrolytes that will rehydrate the body in no time. It may give your smoothie a slightly thinner taste, but this can easily be combated with the addition of yogurt or a little bit more almond butter.
Greek Yogurt is a great probiotic addition to this smoothie, being that it helps balance healthy bacteria in your digestive system. Skip this step or replace with plant-based yogurt if you’re looking for a dairy-free option.
Next time you’re regretting a bit of your previous night’s consumption, give this recipe a go!