DIY: Chunky Chenille Knit Blankets

Fall weather is finally here, and I couldn’t be more excited to lay on the couch and do nothing! My favorite fall activity is cuddling up with a BIG blanket and watching Halloween movies for hours on end. This year, to get in the autumn spirit, I wanted to buy some big comfy chenille blankets, but after seeing the prices I decided buying one was a hard pass. Some of these blankets cost upwards to $200!

I’ve always been a do it yourself girl, so i started the search to DIY’ing my own blanket. Thanks to YouTube and TikTok I’ve learned how to make my own chunky chenille blanket for less than half the price. Here’s how!

What You’ll Need

How It’s Done

Step 1: Buy your extra big chunky yarn.

Some of my favorite places for cheap yarn

    1. Amazon

    2. Walmart

    3. Joann Fabrics

    4. Michael’s

    5. Hobby Lobby


Step 2: Lay your yarn out in front of you.

  1. Create a loop at the end of your yarn and pull through to create the first knot.

  2. Go through the loop and pull the yarn through the first loop to create the second knot.

  3. Repeat this process until you have a“braid” of 20-30 loops. (This will be the width of your blanket.)

Step 3: Once you get to the end, move your “braid” to the other side of you and pull through an extra loop to create the next row. 

  1. WIth the new row, pull the yarn through the bottom loops to create a row of top loops.

  2. When you get to the end of this row, pull an extra loop at the end and move back down the other side looping the yarn through the bottom loops you just made on the previous row.

  3. Repeat this process moving back and forth! (If you get to the end of one of your yarn balls just tie the new yarn to the ending yarn and continue the process.)

  4. To end the blanket, overlap the last two end loops and pull through. The inner loop from the second row into the outer loop.Then pull through the third loop into the first outer loop and repeat. It should look like a braid at the edge of the blanket when you're finished. Tie it off at the end in a knot to close the braid.

Step 4: Cuddle up with your new chunky blanket!


This is such a fun and quick DIY to do with friends or even by yourself. Grab some yarn, wine, and your favorite halloween movies and start looping. These blankets are so cozy and make awesome gifts for any occasion!

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