What a Best Friend Really Means

This is all about what a best friend truly helps you to discover in each stage of life.

The idea of growing up in a completely different environment than the person next to you, or even the classmate you interact with every day on a Zoom call, is beyond comprehension. The fact that some of us were able to see life through a clear lens while others seemed to always stay blurry; the kind of struggle that no one person should ever have to face alone. We all deserve to have at least someone to run to when things get a little too heavy. I will never take for granted the kind of person that can shine their light every time it gets a little too dark. There are no certainties in this world, but what is certain is how you make people feel in the moments you do have. 

Photo: Pinterest

Photo: Pinterest

A best friend does not have to be your neighbor that you grew up with since you were in diapers. It doesn’t have to be someone in your direct family who knows you the best, or someone you have even known since middle school. Time does not exist when it comes to knowing who has your best interests at heart. There is no timeline for what someone is willing to do for you when in need of support. Some people can connect with you in an instant and know you better than the rest. It’s a matter of who is willing to see you for everything you’ve become and helping you heal from everything in your past. There are always going to be situations that make us feel stuck, unworthy, and worn down, so it’s important to choose whom you want to fight those battles with. A friendship involves taking on the emotions that trickle from the previous years, making decisions that they might not agree with, giving advice over and over again until they finally get it, and never repeating ‘I told you so.’ 

One person doesn’t always have to pick you up every time you feel low. I learned that, early on, being dependent on another wasn’t getting me to a better place. I realized that meeting new people and learning through each one helped me uncover perspectives that I didn’t think could be awakened. I understand now that a best friend doesn’t have to live on through one person who has been there for you, but what each person in your life can give you in a multitude of scenarios.

There is someone I hold close that I want to go on every single adventure with because it continues to bring life into me. There is someone that I talk to about every depth of life with, and who will continue to inspire me to always do more. There is someone that I don’t have to talk to every day, but, when we do, our souls are in sync and I feel as if I can do anything I want to do. There is someone that I can count on to understand when I am too emotional or too energized, and match me in my feelings every single time.

There is someone that I can rely on to be there at any time, any place, for any reason and never lets me down.

I wish everyone in the world could have someone who can display even some of these traits to show you everything you deserve, whether you believe it yourself. I wish everyone could have a best friend who can understand that we may not have the same opinions, handle situations in the same way, or be perfect all the time, but that will hold you up so high so you never have to feel the full weight of the world.

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