Steps to Starting With a Clean Slate

Step into 2021 with a positive mindset.

Photo: Pinterest

Photo: Pinterest

It's been one heck of a year, to put it mildly. Most likely, few of us find ourselves in the best state of mind, especially with what seems like a constant bombardment of bad news flung at us from every angle. Looking towards the new year with hope almost seems like a pipe dream. However, there is still plenty of good news to suggest 2021 will be a much better and more positively productive year than the hellscape we’ve just lived through.

Start by re-educating yourself in how to think positively, let go of the little things, and hold on to a little hope. Shifting your perspective may not be easy, but with a little effort and some determination, you can ring in the New Year with your best foot forward. 

Reframe Your Thoughts

One of the easiest ways to create positive perspective in all aspects of your life is to reframe how you approach everyday situations. You may often tell yourself that you "have to" do something, whether it be chores, homework, or preparation for an upcoming meeting. Instead, try to find a silver lining by telling yourself that you "get to" do that particular task. For example, simply saying, "I have to clean the house" tends to have a negative connotation, framing cleaning as an unwanted responsibility, something to dread. Try saying "I get to clean the house" instead. This reframes the chore as something you're looking forward to, starting by emphasizing the value of having a place, while others may not be so lucky. Consciously developing a positive mindset is a great way to change your perspective and improve your mental health.

Recite a Positive Inner Monologue

It's totally normal for your self-talk to focus on negative thoughts—we all have things we’d like to change about ourselves, other people, the world, etc. If you truly want to improve your future outlook, make an active effort to use the power of positivity to change your inner monologue for the better. Remember, this isn’t something that can be accomplished in a few days or weeks, or done every so often when you really feel low. Every day, set a reminder to think positive thoughts in order to increase your confidence and make you feel happier. If that isn’t enough, you can even try physically writing and reciting a longer positive affirmation each morning.

Think from A Macro Level

Thinking from a micro perspective can be harmful in your mission to look to the positive side of life. It's all too easy to let a small negative event send your mind into a downward spiral, especially in these strange and unusual times where so many things may seem to spell disaster. Changing your perspective to focus on the big picture can be a useful tool for positive change. When worrying about a situation, ask yourself: in another year (or two or ten), how much will this matter?  When you, instead, focus on the big picture, it's easier not to sweat the small stuff.

Remove Negativity from Your Life

We’ve all heard this adage time and time again from a variety of sources, but it does hold some truth. It's hard to practice positive thinking when you're surrounded by bad news or people who are constantly voicing negativity. For example, if browsing social media or reading through the stream of alarming current events constantly at our fingertips puts you into a negative mental state, opt to limit your time doing those activities. Instead, turn to things that you find rejuvenating or constructive. Read a book or magazine, talk to a friend, take a walk, make a cup of tea, breathe deeply, and think of something that makes you smile. Similarly, if one of your family members or friends is constantly pulling you into their sphere of negative energy, choose to spend time with more positive people instead. 

Hope is the most human of traits. All throughout history, when times have been uncertain, war rampant or disease prevalent, we, humans, have clung to the belief that somehow, our fortunes will change, and the sun will start to shine again. These past nine months have completely upended all of our lives in so many ways, and put all sorts of strains on our hearts, souls and minds. As the new year approaches, this presents a new opportunity for the winds to change and relief to come our way. We simply cannot abandon hope, no matter how dark this reality may sometimes seem. Positivity is an underestimated power and something we can all put to good use. I hope you all continue to stay safe and healthy, and are able to find your own way to look on the bright side and approach 2021 with the best possible spirit. Everything is going to be OK.

Until next time!

Au revoir,


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