My Life as an Intern at a Conscious Consulting Brand

My life as a sustainability intern was empowering, impactful and inspiring. I worked under two influencers who joined forces to build a conscious consulting brand.

Photo: Boundless Creatives

Photo: Boundless Creatives

For the past 5 months, I worked for the company, Boundless Creatives, founded by Kara Ladd and Alyssa Brieloff. They would partner with brands to build them—therefore helping each other out. I was the marketing intern, who focused on how to grow and pitch the brand to potential clients and partners.

In my role, I researched new brands that aligned with our mission each week. We would think of the best way to reach out to them for an email. Then, the Partnerships Director would take that email and pitch to the company for a potential partnership. Usually, the companies would send over a product in return for a feature. This would run for anywhere from a few weeks to months, and so on.

I learned how to ask companies for their partnerships and collaborations email address. I would simply state my name, who I worked for, why I was reaching out and incorporate our mission statement. Typically, I got the emails I reached out for. And the best part is how I did it…. Instagram DM. Usually so sketchy, getting random messages from strangers isn’t the most reliable, however, I had a lucky strike. I would also use the Public Relations Bible, also known as Cision. Cision is an encyclopedia of contacts who work in various fields. Lastly, I would look up companies on LinkedIn to find the people I needed to contact.

I used Google Sheets to track all of the replies and my status of reaching out to each brand, as well as adding new brands, deleting duplicates and more. It was such a fun time reading through all of the beauty, fashion, lifestyle and home companies I found. I would report to the founders of the company weekly, and always knew I could reach out to them with questions! 

My favorite part of the internship was learning the true difference between sustainable and non-sustainable products. I learned about a plethora of sustainable companies. From this, I vowed to limit my fast fashion usage and to emphasize purchasing good quality clothes, preferably from sustainable brands.

Sustainability is a broad topic but can be woven into any aspect of life. Clean beauty, sustainable clothing and zero-waste brands are simply superior in my eyes now.

Overall, it is safe to say I am a more conscious person from what I learned during my internship. I am more aware of the products I consume, use and purchase. I was highly influenced to be more aware of how my decisions impact our planet, and I would recommend to anyone to spend time this summer researching about how to live more sustainably.


Jolie Zindman


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