How Following Influencers that Look Like Me Helped Me Feel More Confident

We were graced with a glimpse of spring weather recently. Bright sunshine and the ability to walk downtown without being weighed down by an enormous puffer coat instantly boosted my mood. It may not have been the most productive week for me workwise, but it was in all other aspects blissful. That is, until I opened my Instagram feed and it all started again: the bikini pictures, flat tummy tea ads, and unsolicited health advice. Suddenly, I was paralyzed, staring at photo after photo. When did feeling awful about yourself become so addicting? There is no option to simply put the magazine back on the grocery store shelf. Social media is constantly an arm’s length away. There is no escape. 

It was about three years ago when I stepped into a Pacsun dressing room and couldn’t get a single pair of jeans past my hips. I left the store in tears, but it wasn’t until I opened my Instagram feed and saw post after post of girls wearing the very jeans I couldn’t fit into that I felt completely alone. From then on, I wanted to hide in every aspect of my life. I stopped buying trendy clothes, struggled to give presentations in class, and even lacked the desire to leave my house, all while constantly being advertised clothing on my Instagram feed that I could take one look at and know it wouldn’t be flattering on me. I truly believed that the reason I never saw anyone that looked like me online was because you couldn’t feel confident if you were larger than a size six. 

Then, the pandemic hit. I was spending more time than ever on social media, and had finally caved and downloaded TikTok. But, unlike the idyllic highlight reel you are constantly bombarded with on Instagram, TikTok thrives on relatability, imperfection even. The algorithm, a little too quickly, learned my preferences and, suddenly, I started seeing style tips for if you're insecure about your lower stomach or the best curvy jean brands. These were real women who looked just like me, down to being five foot three or a college student or having brown hair. If it wasn’t so helpful, I would have been terrified by the specificity. 

The next thing I knew, I had jean brands I wanted to try out, examples of outfits I knew I could confidently wear, and a better idea of what trends would be flattering on my body type. I learned the term “mid-size” which refers to people who are roughly between sizes 8-16. But, what was most helpful was simply seeing other women that were confident in a body type that more closely resembled mine. I started following these same influencers on Instagram as well, and suddenly my feed wasn’t so scary anymore. I would be lying if I said I didn’t still have days where I struggle to feel confident, but they are much fewer and farther between. 

So, while on the surface it may seem like Instagram only highlights one body type, I promise that influencers that look more like you are out there. It takes a little bit of digging, or possibly a sophisticated use of the TikTok algorithm, but regardless of your body type, there is someone who is making content that applies to you. Below I have included some of my favorite mid-size fashion influencers for inspiration.

Kelsey Breisinger - @kelclight on Instagram & TikTok

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Kelsey was the first midsize fashion influencer I found on Instagram, and I have been following her ever since. From affordable fashion, to curvy jean reviews, and updates on her new puppy, her page has it all. Definitely head over to her Instagram and see what she’s all about!

Madison Beltran - @maddy.beltran on Instagram & @madisonbeltran on TikTok

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I first found Madison on TikTok when I was searching for an honest review of the brand Shein. I scrolled through tons of TikToks before I found hers, the first one that actually featured someone around my size, and have followed her ever since. She posts honest clothing try-on hauls, mid-size outfit inspiration, and general fashion advice. Definitely check her out!

Natalie Langhorne - @natalielanghorne on Instagram and TikTok

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Natalie is another influencer on TikTok I found when looking for mid-size fashion inspiration. She posts tons of clothing hauls and outfit ideas on both her TikTok and Instagram. Overall, her style is so cool and unique, and I would recommend giving her a follow!

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While it may not seem like who we follow on Instagram has that much of an influence on our lives, I have truly seen a change in myself. On the left is a photo of me from March 2020. I only liked to have pictures taken from the waist up because I was insecure about my legs, I hadn’t gone clothing shopping in forever because I was too scared to go into fitting rooms, and looking at this photo reminds me of all the insecurity I was feeling at that moment. On the right is a photo of me from March 2021. I am basically the same size, but I can’t tell how much more confident I am. I was excited to show off my outfit and felt no need to hide any part of myself. I hope that, by seeking out more content that is specified to you on social media, you can do the same. 


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